
One of our goals as a team is to connect with our community through STEM. 

We do this by participating in various Outreach events, where we demonstrate one of our robots, bring some fun engineering activities for the kids to participate in, and talk about what we do as a part of FIRST. Many of our team members enjoy volunteering at these events, and we love showing our community the results of our hard work!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding Outreach, please send us an email at outreach@robototes.com

If you're interested in learning more about how we run our program, check out our Outreach Resources and Outreach Guidelines.

Summer Camp 2024! We are pleased to announce we will be hosting a summer camp in June! Check out more information here

STEM Nights:

In past years, we have hosted several STEM Nights at the Crossroads Community Center. We really enjoyed seeing everyone getting involved in STEM, and they were a great experience for our team members as well. We would love to get more involved in STEM nights again. Please contact us if you would like to have us attend a STEM night!

Upcoming Events:

Previous Events:

Some examples of our team's previous Outreach work include: