Our Robots
Our robots from 2008-2024
Outreach Bot - Tomo^3
Shoots T-Shirts :)
Mecanum drive (forward/back, turning, and strafing movement)
Front headlights
2024 - Toucan
Game: Crescendo
Competed at:
Awards received:
Engineering Inspiration Award at Glacier Peak
Impact Award at Sammamish
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
Curie Division Creativity Award at Houston World Championship
2023 - Crane
Game: Charged Up
Competed at:
Awards received:
Impact Award at Glacier Peak
Industrial Design Award at Sammamish
District Championship Dean's List Semi-Finalist (Lucy S)
Regional FIRST Impact Award
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Lucy S)
Daly Division Rank #23 at Houston World Championship
2022 - RoadRunner
Game: Rapid React
Competed at:
Awards received:
Chairman's Award at Glacier Peak
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation at Sammamish
Regional Chairman's Award
2020/21 - Heron
Game: Infinite Recharge
Competed at:
Pacific Northwest District Championships (Cancelled)
Houston World Championships (Cancelled)
Awards received:
Quarterfinalists at Glacier Peak
Entrepreneurship Award at Glacier Peak
8-wheel tank drive
Dual intakes on both sides of the robot
Turreted shooter can fire from any position on the field
Adjustable hood allows for launch angle to be changed
Lift elevates shooter above defenders
Folding climb fits below the trench run
2019 - Raven
Game: Destination: Deep Space
Competed at:
Awards received:
Quarterfinalists at Auburn Mountainview
Quality Award at Auburn Mountainview
6th seeded alliance captain at Glacier Peak
Finalists at Glacier Peak
Imagery Award at Glacier Peak
Quarterfinalists at Pacific Northwest District Championship
Imagery Award at Pacific Northwest District Championship
Quarterfinalists at Houston World Championship
8-wheel tank drive powered by 6 NEOs
Shifting drive base gearbox for high speed and power
Intake can pick up cargo off the ground
Lift system uses 2 NEO motors to lift intake
Climber uses rail deployment system and linear actuators to climb to any HAB Level
Onboard vision guidance allows for fast and accurate semi-automated game piece placement
USB Camera gives drive team view of field during sandstorm and teleoperated mode
2018 - Griffin
Game: Power Up
Competed at:
Awards received:
Quarterfinalists at Auburn
Quarterfinalists at Glacier Peak
Winners at Girls Gen
8 wheel tank drive, powered by 6 CIMs
Shifting gearbox for high speed and power
Pneumatic intake with compliance wheels can pick cubes off the ground
Lift system uses two BAG motors and constant force springs to lift up intake
Climber uses two 775 pros to lift robot off the ground in 1-2 seconds
2017 - Falca
Game: Steamworks
Competed at:
Awards received:
3 Four rotor matches
Semifinalists at Auburn
Innovation in Control Award at Auburn
6 wheel tank drive, powered by 4 CIMs
Pneumatic gripper can pick gear off the ground
Chain-driven climber powered by a 775 pro
Crosses baseline for extra 5 points
2016 - Sir Costalot
Game: Stronghold
Competed at:
Awards received:
Ranked #8 at Glacier Peak
7th seeded captain at Auburn
Finalist at Girls Gen
Can cross any category B and D defense (as well as low bar) in Autonomous
Crosses all defenses in Teleoperated period (except Drawbridge)
Intake arm can be raised and lowered for help crossing defenses
Low goal scoring
(The Yodeling Pusher of Totes and Recycling containers Yusing Lots and Lots of Acme)DISMANTLED
Game: Recycle Rush
Competed at:
Awards received:
Innovation in Control Award
Semifinalists at Auburn Mountainview
Ranked #8 at Shorewood
Mecanum drive
Ability to stack totes and RCs
Automatic in-robot stack assembly for fast scoring
RC "claw" to grab RCs off of center step quickly
14 sensors
2014 - CONDOR
(Cooperatively Optimized Northwest Defensive and Offensive Robot)Game: Aerial Assist
Competed at:
Awards received:
Quality Award (twice)
Ranked #1 at Glacier Peak
Semifinalists at Pacific Northwest Championship
Ability to launch into high goal using pneumatically-driven catapult
Shifting gearbox for high speed and power
Fast pick-up
"Wings" to aid catching
8-wheel design
Two ball autonomous
2012 - Magnus Marcus (Marco)
Game: Rebound Rumble
Competed at:
Awards received:
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox
2008 - McClevin
Game: Overdrive
Competed at:
Awards received:
Highest Rookie Seed Award
Ranked #4 at Microsoft Seattle Regional